The story behind our teacher
For months, members of the UNT Village board met faithfully with the children selected as candidates for the Village ministry. With meager funds, they bought food to feed the children, taught them Bible stories and scripture, sang songs and helped as much as possible with academic subjects. Hiring a certified teacher would take them to the next level-- but how? Years ago, founder Caleb met two women visiting from the United States. Sharon Dennis and Doris Au MacDonald came to Kenya as part of a team assisting at Kima International School of Theology (KIST) in Kisumu, where Caleb was a student. Later, when Caleb was a student at St Paul's Seminary in Nairobi, he met Alan MacDonald (the husband of Doris) while he traveled through Kenya. Forward another year or so to Fairfax, VA where Alan serves on the pastoral staff. A member of the congregation, Timothy Omolo, a businessman originally from Kenya, was returning for a year. Did Alan know of any area of ministry he could be involved in? By email, Alan introduced him to Caleb. In Kenya, the two met. As Caleb shared his vision, the businessman felt moved to help. Caleb was overcome with joy when he heard that his new friend wanted to help pay to hire a teacher. ''It is a great honor and pleasure to work with this ministry," says Phelesiah Kuya, the new teacher, "I am really really humbled."